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Legal Notice &
Terms of Sales


When you use our site, you agree to be governed by these terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to read these General Conditions of Sale before using our site. Your use of the DESSINE MOI MA CARTE site is linked to your acceptance of these conditions of use and our General Conditions of Sale. We advise you to reread the Terms of Use periodically. DESSINE MOI MA CARTE  reserves the right to modify its site and its General Conditions of Sale at any time and without prior notification.

You also agree that we may communicate any legal information or communication , by displaying them on our site or by sending you an email to the address you provided to us when registering on our site.

You can revoke your consent to receive this type of email communication by contacting our customer service. However, if you do not consent to receive this type of electronic message, you must suspend use of your account.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the policies of DESSINE MOI MA CARTE or any other part of this site or relating to any of our products and services offered or if you have experienced technical problems during the To use the site, please send an email to customer service or contact us by telephone.

DESSINE MOI MA CARTE, individual entreprise managed by Ava MARTIN EI.

Head office: 32600 L’ISLE JOURDAIN

SIRET 752 839 563 00018

Director of publication, editorial and creation: Ava MARTIN EI

Design and creation of the site: Ava MARTIN EI

Intellectual property rights, limited use copyright AND USE OF THE SITE

Ce site appartient et est exploité par le Vendeur DESSINE MOI MA CARTE.  Ce site et tout son contenu :  des graphismes, illustrations, photographies, images, logotypes, modèles de documents, maquettes, textes, sont la propriété soumise au droit de la propriété intellectuelle de Ava Martin Illustration. Tous les droits de ce site et de son contenu sont réservés à travers le monde. Il est strictement interdit de télécharger, conserver, copier, distribuer, publier ou d'utiliser toute partie du contenu de DESSINE MOI MA CARTE. Aucune information contenue sur le site web ne devra être interprétée comme accordant un droit d'utilisation sauf avec l'autorisation écrite préalable du Vendeur. Le fait de se procurer des Produits chez DESSINE MOI MA CARTE. ne vous autorise pas à utiliser une quelconque partie du contenu mis à part les produits imprimés finis tels qu'il vous sont fournis par DESSINE MOI MA CARTE.

DESSINE MOI MA CARTE  se réserve le droit d'ajouter, de supprimer ou de modifier n'importe quelle partie du contenu du site à tout moment et sans notification préalable.

Le logo DESSINE MOI MA CARTE. le nom et les autres marques indiquées sur le site font l'objet de marques déposées du Vendeur dans l'Union Européenne et/ou autres juridictions, notamment aux USA.

Vous acceptez de n'utiliser aucune partie du Contenu pour enfreindre les droits de la propriété intellectuelle d'autrui de quelques manières hormis le produit commandé pour un usage de carte de visite uniquement.  Vous acceptez de n'inclure dans votre produit d'autre texte ni travail ou titre dont les droits de la propriété intellectuelle appartiennent à un tiers quelconque sans avoir obtenu préalablement les autorisations appropriées des propriétaires. Vous garantissez que vos produits ne porteront atteinte à aucun droit d'une tierce partie, droit à la personnalité et droit au respect de la vie privée, qu'ils ne calomnieront ni ne diffameront une tierce partie, et que vous avez tous les droits requis ou permissions nécessaires à l'incorporation de contenu d'une tierce partie dans vos produits. En passant commande sur ce site, vous garantissez que vous avez tous droit, permission et autorité nécessaires pour passer commande et que vous autorisez DESSINE MOI MA CARTE à imprimer des produits pour votre compte. Vous autorisez DESSINE MOI MA CARTE  à copier, modifier, créer des modèles commandés par vous, aux fins d'honorer votre commande. 

DESSINE MOI MA CARTE se réserve le droit de résilier immédiatement le compte du client qui violerait le site DESSINE MOI MA CARTE et son contenu à des fins indésirables. En passant commande sur ce site, vous garantissez que vous avez tous droits, permission et autorité nécessaires pour passer commande et que vous autorisez DESSINE MOI MA CARTE à copier, modifier, créer des modèles, télécharger vos écrits aux fins d'honorer votre commande. 

Vous acceptez de répondre personnellement de la protection de votre mot de passe et du contrôle d'accès au compte dont vous êtes titulaire. Vous acceptez d'être personnellement responsable de toutes commandes passées ou autres actions faites aux travers de votre compte.


DESSINE MOI MA CARTE reserves the right to refuse any order without being required to provide a reason. No order shall be deemed accepted by the seller unless and until confirmed without reservation by the seller site in the Order Confirmation.

DRAW ME MY MAP operates a policy of continuous product development and reserves the right to modify the specifications of any of these products without notice. The products offered for sale may differ accordingly from multi-standard color systems, including the international RGB display color system and the CMYK color printing system.

DRAW ME MY MAP . endeavors to present and describe as accurately as possible the colors printed on the products which appear on its website, but cannot be required to give any assurance that the colors of the goods will correspond exactly to those   displayed on the client's monitor.


The delivery location will be that indicated on the order. DESSINE MOI MA CARTE will endeavor to process the order and manufacture of your goods within the time frame stated for each item. Any dates mentioned for delivery of the goods are estimates only. Delivery times are not the very essence of the contract between the customer and DESSINE MOI MA CARTE which cannot be held responsible for any loss or costs suffered by the buyer resulting from any delay in delivery whatever the cause. The seller is responsible for packaging the goods, choosing the carrier, transport and administrative procedures . The customer is responsible for unloading the product. If the customer wrongly fails to take delivery of the package, the seller will not be obliged to reimburse the price. The goods cannot be returned to the Seller, except in accordance with the conditions provided for in the article "returns and right of withdrawal ."

Any uncollected packages will result in additional return and logistics costs of 15 euros.


In accordance with article L.121-20_2 3° of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for goods made according to the consumer 's specifications or clearly personalized.


Certain circumstances are beyond the control of DESSINE MOI MA CARTE and may not be covered by the satisfaction guarantee. We cannot be held responsible for the following: spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors made by the client; errors in the selection of options by the client, such as finish, quantity, or type of product; and products damaged after delivery to the client. Please carefully check your design and correct any errors before confirming your order by email with the designer. DESSINE MOI MA CARTE does not proofread text written by clients before processing their orders. The seller will not be held responsible for defective deliveries or products unless a claim is made to the seller in writing. The claim must include the order confirmation number, delivery note number, several unedited photos of the defective products, and details of the complaint. In the case of a valid claim, DESSINE MOI MA CARTE may, at its sole discretion, replace the goods (or the part in question) or refund all or part of the price to the client. DESSINE MOI MA CARTE will not be held liable for any loss, damage, cost, or expense arising directly or indirectly from any failure or delay in the performance of any obligation under this contract, due to any event or circumstance beyond the seller's reasonable control, including (but not limited to) any strike, industrial action, power or equipment failure, government action, or force majeure. In the distance selling process, DESSINE MOI MA CARTE is only bound by an obligation of means. Its liability cannot be engaged for damage resulting from the use of the internet network such as data loss, intrusion, virus, service interruption, or other involuntary problems. Despite the care taken in processing information, DESSINE MOI MA CARTE declines all responsibility for any errors or omissions concerning the technical or typographical information disseminated on this site. DESSINE MOI MA CARTE does its best to make its descriptions as accurate as possible but does not guarantee that the content is accurate, complete, reliable, up-to-date, or error-free.


The buyer and seller of the products and services offered and sold on DESSINE MOI MA CARTE , a micro-enterprise governed by French laws headquartered in Toulouse, France. All matters relating to the protection, infringement or misappropriation of copyrighted materials are governed by European copyright laws. As well as all other matters relating to your access to this site or its use are governed by French laws. Any action or legal proceeding relating to your access to this site or its use, or resulting therefrom, will be initiated in France.

All orders placed and paid on the site (or by online invoice) and which are canceled following a computer problem for which we cannot be held responsible, will result in payment of the invoice by bank transfer or check within one month. . 2. Except for an additional payment deadline agreed by agreement between the two parties and appearing on the invoice, payment is made no later than the 30th day following the invoice date (C. Com. art. L. 441-6, al 2 amended from the law of May 15, 2001). Any late payment may give rise to late payment penalties payable without reminder, at the rate of 10% of the total invoice per month of delay (fight against late payments/article 53 of the NRE law), as well as a fixed compensation of €40 (C. Com. art. D441-5). Payments by bank transfer or check payable to “Ava MARTIN”. No discount for early payment.


In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, modified by the law of August 6, 2004, we inform you that the Company DESSINE MOI MA CARTE is the sole recipient of the information and personal data transmitted on its site.

DESSINE MOI MA CARTE undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of the information provided by the purchaser, which it may be required to transmit for the use of certain services. Any information concerning him is subject to the provisions of law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978. As such, the Internet user has the right to access, modify and delete information concerning him. He can request it at any time by mail to the following address, DESSINE MOI MA CARTE , 33 rue Mozart 32600 L'ISLE JOURDAIN

PRICES OF CREATIONS and modifications

The prices listed in the header are the prices for business card files. They do not include the prices for printing which remains extra.

The prices appearing on the product sheets in the internet catalog are prices in Euros, all taxes included (TTC). The company DESSINE MOI MA CARTE reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood, however, that the price appearing in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer. Prices shown for prints do not include shipping costs . File prices do not include delivery charges.

For custom creations, and particularly those with portraits, a series of modifications are included from the photo file sent by email for verification and validation. This request for modification(s) will be made in a single request by email. Beyond that, any additional modifications will be invoiced at a rate of 20 euros per series for creations with patterns and from 36 euros for those with portraits.

Portraits are taken from a single photo provided by you as you wish to appear .

Business card orders from the store are made from the chosen model. If you wish to change the model once the first creation has been made, a fee of 20 euros will be charged.

Satisfaction guaranteed with personalized products created for you

by an illustrator in Gers, southern France


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Ava Laran-Martin

@dessinemoimacarte @2020 - All rights reserved




06 65 62 34 01 /   Monday - Friday /9: 30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.




General Terms and Conditions



In accordance with the law, the illustrations and graphics present on this site are not free of rights.

They are the property of Ava Martin Illustration and Dessinemoimacarte

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